First National Trust & Wealth Management

Our goal is to make a difference — for you, your family and your future.

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Our Services

Trust Services

You’ve made the decision to establish a trust. One thing you will have to do is name a trustee. You will want to choose a trustee that understands your goals.

Estate Settlement

First National can act on your behalf to complete the estate settlement process and assume the responsibility of administering a trust.

Investment Management

Proper investment management aims to meet particular investment goals for the benefit of the investor.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process of planning for the transfer of a person’s wealth and assets after their death.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is an investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by apportioning assets according to an individuals goals, risk tolerance and investment horizon.

Charitable Giving

For many, giving to charity is a normal part of their lives. Charitable giving offers emotional benefits, and practical ones as well.

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Market volatility can feel like a rollercoaster. Thrilling on the way up, stomach-churning on the way down. Even seasoned investors get a little uneasy when the market takes a dive. But here’s the thing: While market fluctuations are inevitable, maintaining a disciplined investment approach has historically helped investors stay on track toward their financial goals. If market swings make you nervous, don’t worry. You’re not alone. We’re going to walk through some key strategies to...
What’s your ideal retirement? Traveling? Practicing your favorite hobbies? Caring for loved ones? Whatever you envision, creating a plan of action can feel exhausting. There are, however, a few simple, yet commonly overlooked steps you can take today to help you feel more comfortable throughout your planning process.